I got inspired by the form of hanging planters as shown above and tried to replicate its structure in the form of a pendant lamp.
I started by creating a round top for the lamp with 12 notches to hang the vines on to. After making the shape in Illustrator I realized that the lamp body needs to be inserted in the round top, so I created a big notch with a hollow circle in the center with diameter a little lesser than the lamp base's top part, so it does not fall while hanging.
Then I moved on to the creation of a vine-like shape for the main part of the lamp. I created 13 equal spiral shapes and added notches to the top part to insert it in the round top part created earlier.
I also created pentagon shapes to act as leaves on the vines with notches of the same size.
Final shapes created using Illustrator:
I went ahead and cut the shapes on an acrylic sheet using the laser cutter.
I used lab recommended settings.
Thickness of Notches = 0.1 in
Speed = 8%
Power = 100%
Frequency = 100%